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BrainCreatorsJun 6, 2024 2:51:37 PM1 min read

Entrepreneurship in Europe versus America, two opposites or not?

In this episode, Jasper Wognum talks to Robert van Hamersveld, an entrepreneur with a passion for new technology and building startups. Robert is a South African who has lived and worked all over the world, giving him a unique global perspective on startup building.

From the heart of Silicon Valley, Robert guides early-stage companies on their path to market introduction and financing. His expertise lies in the fields of micro- and nanotechnology and photonics, but he has also become increasingly involved in AI and robotics.

During the conversation, Robert shares his fascination with technology and discusses his life and work in Silicon Valley. Additionally, he explains how he divides his time among various projects and the challenges that come with them. Furthermore, Robert and Jasper talk about the differences between doing business with Europeans and Americans, as well as the establishment of European companies in the US.

They also delve deeper into European legislation regarding AI compared to that in the US, and the geopolitical strategic relevance of the AI revolution. They shed light on the difficulties of attracting sufficient funding in Europe and draw comparisons between investment climates in the US and Europe. Is entrepreneurship in Europe and America really so different, or not?




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